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Loss of engine power (acceleration capability)

Engine power is largely affected by operation and condition of all of the engine’s systems and mechanisms such as ignition system, fuel system, valve timing, parts of the cylinder-piston group as well as intake and discharge manifolds.

Изображение проблематики

Possible reasons / Suggestions

  1. Reasons connected with the operation and condition of the ignition system
    • Improper functioning of the engine control system (early/late ignition, malfunctioning signal for the injector opening etc.)
    • Condition (puncture of insulation or protective caps) of spark plug wires, coils)
    • Inadequate spark plug heat rating
    • Moisture on contacts of spark plug wires and system elements.

    The operation of the engine control system should be adjusted and its malfunctions eliminated. It is recommended to replace the defective elements and install appropriate spark plugs. You should remove the moisture and clean the contacts of the ignition system elements.

  2. Reasons connected with operation and condition of fuel system as well as intake and discharge manifolds.
    • Pollution of fuel filter, fuel lines, injectors. In this case it’s recommended to clean the fuel system using one of the following products:
      • VERYLUBE Petroltank (Gasoline) – complex fuel system cleaner
      • Atomex MultiCleaner – highly effective fuel system cleaner
    • Pollution of the air filter or decrease of the air inlet capacity (severe carbon and tar sediments on the manifold elements). It is recommended:
    • Mechanical damage of the elements of the fuel-air mixture distribution system
    • Use of improper octane/cetane rating low-quality fuel. In order to eliminate the consequences of using low-quality fuel and enhance the fuel properties, it is recommended to use one of the following products:
      • Atomex F8 Complex Formula (Gasoline) Product for renovation after using low-quality fuel
      • Atomex EnergyDrive – engine power amplifier
      • VERYLUBE Cetane + (Diesel) – additive for improving the quality of diesel fuel

      In order to decrease the freeze point of diesel fuel, it is recommended to seasonally introduce into the fuel:

      In order to remove moisture from the fuel it is recommended to use Aquastop (water remover from gasoline) and Verylube Fuel system cleaner (Diesel).

    • Decreased efficiency of the fuel pump. In order to restore and prevent the wear of fuel pump parts, as well as units and assemblies of fuel equipment, it is recommended to use Atomex F8 Complex Formula (Gasoline) for restoring engine after using low-quality fuel.
    • Catalyst converter/particle filter is plugged. In such case it is recommended to replace it.
  3. Reasons connected with condition of parts of the cylinder-piston group and valve train
    • Decreased compression due to worn piston rings. If the wear of piston rings is light, then the engine should be treated with XADO Revitalizant for gasoline engine, Revitalizant EX120 for gasoline engine, 1 Stage Revitalizant or AMC Maximum products. In case if the wear of piston rings is severe and the cylinder geometry does not exceed the limiting wear, the piston rings should be replaced. For a better adjustment of new piston rings apply XADO Revitalizant for cylinders onto the operating surface of the cylinder during the engine assembly.
    • Decreased compression due to sticking of piston rings, severe carbon sediments on the surfaces of piston and combustion chamber. It is recommended to use Verylube Anticarbon product in order to decarbonize stuck piston rings of gasoline and diesel engines. The product is introduced directly into the engine cylinder. It is also recommended to apply Atomex TotalFlush oil system cleaner before changing the engine oil.
    • Bad condition of valves (wear of valve stems and valve guides, valve leakage etc.), wear or damage to parts of the valve train drive. It is recommended to replace defective parts and adjust the valve train.

