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Low oil pressure in the engine


Low pressure in the engine can be indicated by flashing or constantly switched on engine oil pressure caution lamp. This can be particularly observed after the engine is completely warmed up.

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Possible reasons/ Suggestions

  1. Increased clearances between rod journals and linings. Due to sediments on the inner parts of the pump, wear of the pump parts and oil pump suction manifold screen clogging oil pump does not produce enough pressure. In case of uncritical increase of the clearances between crankshaft rod journals, linings and parts of the oil pump, it is recommended to add Atomex Complex Oil Treatment, an antismoke additive with Revitalizant®. It is also advisable to use the engine oil system cleaner XADO VitaFlush by adding it into the lubrication system at the rate of 100 ml to 1L of motor oil and drive 435 – 620 miles. After that change the oil and the oil filter and, if needed, add one of the mentioned products for the temporary increase of the oil pressure till the completion of the restoration of the parts due to XADO Revitalizant®. Then carry out the full treatment of the engine filled with the new oil for renovation of the worn linings and crankshaft rod journals and normalization of the oil pressure. The products for conducting full treatment include:
    After the full treatment and 2,500 – 3,100 miles of run the slight wear of the linings, crankshaft rod journals and parts of the oil pump restores completely and the oil pressure normalizes.
  2. Oil is diluted by the fuel or cooling agent. Motor oil dilution may be caused by the fuel in case of the injection nozzle dysfunction which will be indicated by the caution lamp flashing at idle. Atomex Complex Oil Treatment, an antismoke additive with Revitalizant®, is recommended to be added. At the same time add to the fuel tank Verylube Complex fuel system cleaner for fuel systems according to the type of the engine whether it’s diesel or gasoline. Finally after usage of the previous products, it is recommended to introduce: Revitalizant® EX120 for fuel equipment, Revitalizant® EX120 for diesel engine and Revitalizant® for Diesel Truck fuel equipment. Cleaning and fuel treatment with XADO Revitalizant® help to renovate injectors or injection nozzles and prevent penetration of fuel into the motor oil. In case of fuel dilution with the cooling agent repair of the engine is required.
  3. Low oil level in the engine lubrication system. In this case just fill up the oil up to the goal.
  4. High resistance of oil filter. If there is a decreased pressure due to high resistance of the oil filter install the oil filter of the recommended type.
  5. Failure of the oil pressure sensor. In this case the sensor should be replaced.
  6. Sticking of the oil pressure reducer in the engine lubrication system in the open position. Stuck oil pressure reducer should be replaced. Note In the case of severe pollution of injectors in the gasoline engines, XADO MaxiFlush is recommended. The product is a cleaning agent for flushing on the stand or as an additive for fuel injectors cleaning during operation. Atomex Complex Oil Treatment is a fully synthetic product that is represented by the polymer thickener, which increases viscosity of oil thus restores oil pressure. The product is compatible with all types of motor oil and is safe for turbocharging assemblies. It can be applied both in gasoline and diesel engines.


In the case of severe pollution of injectors in diesel or petrol (gasoline) engines, XADO AtomEX Multi Cleaners are recommended. The product is a cleaning agent for flushing on the stand or as an additive for fuel injectors cleaning during operation.

Atomex Complex Oil Treatment is a fully synthetic product that is represented by the polymer thickener, which increases viscosity of oil thus restores oil pressure. The product is compatible with all types of motor oil and is safe for turbocharging assemblies. It can be applied both in gasoline and diesel engines.


  1. Increases pressure in the oil system
  2. Reduces oil consumption through burning and engine smoking
  3. Increases viscosity of oil
  4. Prevents the engine wear in the future
  5. Efficient for the internal combustion engines with high wear rate


Introduce the product, warmed up to the temperature of +25...30 °C, into the oil filler neck of the engine, warmed up to the working temperature. Provide idle engine operation during 2-3 minutes. Drive the automobile as you normally do. One time application is recommended for the whole service life of the oil.

